Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Sexiest Woman Alive

I miss writing in this blog. Is the title interesting enough? I hope so. I read this article in

 yahoo news and I thought, it's worth writing about. Wow! The sexiest woman alive. This 

title was given to Rihanna last year by Esquire magazine. A men's magazine based in the 

US. Now 2012's sexiest woman alive goes to, drum roll please, Mila Kunis. I remember her

 from the movie Friends With Benefits opposite Justine Timberlake. I thought she was OK 

but I'm a woman so the opinion that would count would be from men. Thus the general 

population who chose her were men. Any how see for yourself...

What do you gals think? Does the title suit her? Hmmmm. I think a lot of other women can

pull off this look. But let me reiterate again that my opinion does not count coz I'm a 

woman. If the guys think she's the sexiest, then so be it. Let me know what you think by 

posting a comment.