Sunday, September 6, 2020

Mulan 2020

Spoiler alert! 

I watched this movie this afternoon and I liked it a little bit because for one Jet Li is starring in the movie as the emperor. Second, the movie is very colorful as expected of a Disney movie. Third, the action was quite good, although I was wondering why there were only a few people used in the movie.

Liu Yifei was quite a good actress as well although I was wondering why she put on makeup after shedding her armor and untying her bun, then going back and confessing she is a girl.

What stuck with me was loyal, brave and true then Mulan added devotion to family. I cried a lot during the movie. I realized after the movie that the emperor was Jet Li. I was shocked! 

He is one of my favorite Asian actors. Looking at him in the photo above, I don't recognize him at all but when I saw his name in the credits, I replayed the part where he is shown and true enough, it is him! Nice.
I can't help but compare it with the animated version. They used a phoenix while in the animation, there was a ghost dragon. I admit, I liked the animated version better. Even so, this movie was worth the watch.